Welcome to Switchback

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me on this SWITCHBACK adventure at the very beginning of its journey as a  memoir. If you are here  on this webpage already it  probably means you already know me  in some way.  If you are just passing by this page do take a  quick sneak peek at the website and maybe sign up to our newsletter (see homepage)

The title  and cover of the book are pretty evocative of the contents while hopefully  being light reading. There are moments of real danger, suspense, interest and reflection. You will travel  the world widely throughout the book  and join me on a range of adventures while meeting many interesting people in sundry settings with a smattering of history thrown in.

As I write,  the book is not yet finally printed (a slightly anxious time!)  but  you have this web page to keep you up to date.  I can also add little vignettes from  the text or maybe another photo or two from time to time. Practically I am at present working on some of the marketing issues  and planning the  book launch for mid  December———it has to  be out by then!  I’ll let you know   the ISBN numbers and   where  and how you can buy it as soon as I can. 

Meanwhile I hope you enjoy this website


November 2021 Update